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Digital Manufacturing Data Readiness Assessment

We can help you overcome OT data challenges to unlock the value of your production data!

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Why do most companies stumble out of the gate when analyzing manufacturing data?

Through our work, we’ve discovered that shortcomings in the condition of the data and the related infrastructure supporting making it ready for use result in unfulfilled expectations.

In order for data to support digital manufacturing initiatives, it is critical to understand its readiness for integration with other production data sources. The ability to join, blend and integrate multiple sources of manufacturing data into a common data foundation and digital twins of production processes, lines, plants, and parts is a foundational requirement to become a data-driven manufacturer.

An assessment tells manufacturers several things:

  • Will the data enable real-time integration with other sources for analysis?
  • What will it take to make the data suitable for integration? How will project budgets and timelines need to be adjusted?
  • What changes to their data capture and connectivity strategies will enhance readiness?

By providing a consistent methodology to assess data, manufacturers can establish a common vocabulary for describing the usability of the data and take a big step forward to unlocking and scaling its value.

Are you ready? Start understanding your current data landscape today!

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Download the Readiness Assessment here

If you want to discuss your results please contact Sight Machine.