Style Guide

Color Palette

#0C1B38 Text Color Dark Blue​

#0064FF Data Foundation Blue​

#5C24FF Plant Productivity Purple​

#10E178 AI Green​
#D59F38 Dark Yellow​
#FCE989 Light Yellow
#000000 Black​
#666666 Grey​
#F6F6F6 Light Warm Grey​

Text Styles

Heading 1 #0064FF

Heading 2 #0064FF

Heading 3 #0c1b38

Heading 4 #0c1b38

Heading 5 #0c1b38
Heading 6 #0c1b38

Paragraph #000000

Font Family for all text: Aeonik

Primary Headline (H1)

Primary Headline (H2)

Section Name (1.125rem)

Large section title text (5/3/2rem)

We have a paragraph or two with information about this section, and likely some other content & graphics.

Section Padding:
0 x 120px desktop
40 x 100px tablet
20 x 40px mobile

Text: 20px/1.25rem | top padding: 40px/40px/0px

Blue Section

White title text for contrast

We have a paragraph or two with information about this section, and likely some other content & graphics.

Background Color: #0064FF

Gray Section

Large section title text (5/3/2rem)

We have a paragraph or two with information about this section, and likely some other content & graphics.

Background Color: #F1F3F6

Page Styles

Landing Page – FAQ Page
Manufacturing Data Platform FAQ

Diagonal – Product or Solutions
Use Cases

Photo Hero – Industry/Customer


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Heading 2

Heading 3

Heading 4

Heading 5
Heading 6

Paragraph: ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz1234567890 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus dapibus sem sed lorem malesuada dignissim. Aliquam et blandit lacus. Praesent a quam neque. Etiam posuere nibh scelerisque sapien pellentesque porta. Curabitur facilisis, odio sed dignissim maximus, lectus neque sagittis velit, sed tristique lectus purus sed lectus. Suspendisse eu arcu in dolor sodales maximus et vel dolor. Duis et vestibulum tellus.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus dapibus sem sed lorem malesuada dignissim. Aliquam et blandit lacus. Praesent a quam neque. Etiam posuere nibh scelerisque sapien pellentesque porta. Curabitur facilisis, odio sed dignissim maximus, lectus neque sagittis velit, sed tristique lectus purus sed lectus. Suspendisse eu arcu in dolor sodales maximus et vel dolor. Duis et vestibulum tellus.


H1 Page Title Tag

Predictive Maintenance Requires a Stable Foundation

Stock Photo

Rounded corners with box shadow

Corners have 10px rounding, and the box shadow is: 0px 5px 15px 0px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2);

Classic Color Palette

#021D41 Dark Blue
#164680 Medium Blue
#3BABEF Light Blue
#000000 Black
#E4E4E4 Grey
#F8F8F8 Light Grey
#FDA929 Orange
#FECE2F Yellow
#20CC52 Green
#F9DAAB Light Orange
#FEE89F Light Yellow
#B4E5C2 Light Green