Sight Machine Videos

An overview of how Sight Machine helps companies make better, faster decisions using their factory data.

LS Electric Microsoft Sight Machine Joint Solution

LS ELECTRIC, in collaboration with Sight Machine and Microsoft, is revolutionizing manufacturing sustainability and productivity through data optimization. By standardizing unstructured data, LS ELECTRIC gleans detailed insights into energy consumption, leading to a 20% reduction in power use on some manufacturing lines and integrating systems for better decision-making. This partnership drives towards a future of sustainable manufacturing, leveraging Microsoft Cloud for Manufacturing and Microsoft Copilot to drive efficiency and competitive operation.


Factory CoPilot

Through an intuitive natural language interface, Factory CoPilot brings unprecedented ease of access to manufacturing problem solving, analysis and reporting for all stakeholders regardless of data proficiency.


Improving Plant Efficiency with Production Data

Learn how we helped a major packaging manufacturer use data-driven manufacturing to improve plant efficiency and performance.


Dynamic Recipes

How does a manufacturer ensure that the product is manufactured to the customers specifications, is produced efficiently and arrives on time, every time? It starts with your data. Dynamic Recipes continuously and automatically calculate ideal machine settings, under ever changing conditions.


Manufacturing Data Pipeline Builder

How do you handle out-of-order and non-relational data in your enterprise? Learn how Sight Machine built a Data Pipeline Builder.


Predictive Maintenance

Sight Machine supports your ability to predict asset failure so that your organization can avoid costly downtime, reduce maintenance costs, and improve operational efficiency.


Process Optimization

Learn more about how Sight Machine creates a digital twin of process and batch data to enable real-time analysis.


Digital Readiness Index

Does your organization have the necessary institutional support to begin your Digital journey? Do you have the right IT infrastructure in place to be successful? Learn more about how the Digital Readiness Index can help you.

Product Videos


Sight Machine Overview

A review of Sight Machine’s visibility and analytics tools.


Sight Machine – Visibility Tools In Action

How to identify, investigate, and drive continuous improvement with Sight Machine’s manufacturing visibility tools.


Sight Machine – Dashboards Overview

The industry’s only out-of-the-box dashboards fed directly by contextualized real-time data for every factory across the enterprise.


Sight Machine – Dashboard Builder Demonstration

How to build a customized dashboard for factory managers, line operators, process engineers, and the executive team.


Sight Machine – Analysis Tab Overview

An overview of the analysis tools in Sight Machine’s platform.


Exploratory Analytics – Variance Analysis & Descriptive Statistics tools

An overview of the tools for analyzing production parameter variability including: The Variance Analysis and Descriptive Statistics tools in Sight Machine’s Data Discovery Toolkit.


Exploratory Analytics – Correlation & Parameter Relationship tools

An overview of the tools for analyzing production parameter correlation and relationships including: The Correlation Heatmap, Time-Series Correlation, Curve Fit Analysis, and Timeline Analysis tools in Sight Machine’s Data Discovery Toolkit.

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