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New from Sight Machine: Automated Dashboard Reports

Customize and schedule automated manufacturing dashboards and seamlessly share reports. Eliminate manual reporting with a continuously automated solution.
Manufacturing Dashboards

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Customize and schedule automated dashboard reports for more seamless sharing

How many reports do you prepare to share across your team and beyond on plant performance and specific key metrics, like your entire plant’s OEE? One per month? One per week?  If you generate reports from Sight Machine Manufacturing Dashboards today, you have probably wanted to set up different reports at different cadences for each of your stakeholder groups such as Leadership and Account Executives. 

With Sight Machine Automated Dashboard Reports,  you can eliminate manual reporting with a continuously automated solution. With our new solution, you no longer have to customize individual reports for each of your Manufacturing Dashboards and then manually email them to individuals or teams.  

Now, with a few simple clicks, you can set up report schedules that run on a recurring frequency. You can also preview and customize your report view at a detailed level by showing or hiding graph legends and data attributes, minimizing certain widgets to a smaller size for better visual layout, and removing less relevant dashboard widgets from the report without affecting the original dashboard. 

On a Dashboard, select Options, then click on Generate & Print Reports to schedule an automated report.  

Manufacturing Dashboards

Once scheduled, the report PDF and a link to the Dashboard will be emailed automatically to its recipients based on the report’s schedule.    

Customize the report view for your Dashboard, and then click Schedule to select the reporting frequency option: Hourly, Daily, Weekly, Monthly, or Annually. 

Customize the report - manufacturing dashboards

To share a report immediately, you can use the “Generate and Share now” option so that you do not have to wait for the scheduled report.  You could also use this option to send the report to yourself and verify its appearance and details before sharing it with a wider audience.

Sight Machine’s Automated Dashboard Reports help you increase access and visibility into your plant’s most critical KPI metrics. For more details, please see our Product Updates.

Want to learn more about these capabilities and see how you can begin saving time by automating reporting today? Please contact us.

Picture of Charu Kalluri

Charu Kalluri

Senior Product Manager at Sight Machine.

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