Sight Machine Blog

Manufacturing Big Data and Quality: We’re at the ASQ World Conference

Manufacturing Big Data and Quality

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2015 World Conference on Quality and Improvement

We’re always on the lookout for industry events that put the focus on manufacturing Big Data and quality. One such gathering convenes global manufacturers looking to achieve process improvements throughout the enterprise, especially as these improvements relate to Big Data.

Taking place May 4 – 5, 2015 in Nashville, the World Conference on Quality and Improvement event hosted by the American Society for Quality (ASQ) The theme of this year’s event puts the focus on “Transforming the World Through Innovation, Inspiration, and Leadership.”

We’re especially interested in this event, given that the quality journey is one all manufacturers travel. As competition and the complexity of the global market grow, organizations embrace the need to think differently. Some look to grow the number of tools and techniques that drive quality. Others search for implementation strategies that produce the best results, and still others look for methods to sustain results they’ve already achieved.

We’re looking forward to the event, and engaging in conversations about how the quality journey continues to transform organizations and communities in a growing number of ways.

Manufacturing Big Data and Quality Presentation

We hope you will join us for a timely presentation that considers manufacturing Big Data and quality, with an emphasis on Manufacturing Analytics.

Presented by Kurt DeMaagd, PhD., co-founder and vice president of analytics at Sight Machine, the presentation is entitled “The Clash of Quality and Big Data Philosophies.” The presentation takes place Tuesday, May 5 at 9:15AM as part of the track “Practical Application of Quality Tools, Techniques and Methodologies.

Those in attendance will see how to separate the hype around Big Data from the actual practice. The presentation helps attendees understand applications where Big Data should or should not be applied, as well as understand some of the jargon surrounding Big Data.

As Kurt will show, the basic principles behind Big Data emerged from consumer Internet applications, creating potential friction when quality managers apply these principles in manufacturing environments. Some ideas, such as massive volumes of data, resonate with quality managers. Others contradict core quality concepts, such as correlation over causation or messy data over designed experiments. This presentation will help quality professionals understand how to apply big-data ideas to quality problems.

We hope to see you at the ASQ event to look closely at how manufacturing Big Data and quality go hand in hand. High potential manufacturers move beyond the stores and silos of manufacturing Big Data. The goal is to gain actionable insight to put Big Data into practice for improved quality, operations and performance.

Contact our team if you plan on attending. Plus, see a list of our upcoming industry events.

Picture of Kyle Lawson

Kyle Lawson

Sight Machine is the category leader for manufacturing analytics and used by Global 500 companies to make better, faster decisions about their operations.

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